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Cha cha chan… THINKTALK

If you don't think, it's because you don't want to.

Think + Talk = Thinktalk 

(Time to stop and think + beers and wines in good company) 

Getting out of the noise, escaping the algorithms of social networks, listening to the different and seeking the truth is more necessary than ever.

In times of change, it is crucial to have a space where we can stop, look around us and search for the why of things.


Volunteers arrive early to prepare the space


The special guest has 18 timed minutes to make us think. Ah! The topic is a surprise. You come not knowing what you are going to talk about.


It's time for an in-depth discussion of the topic, among all of us. After the thinknometer, 45 minutes of free interaction between the audience and the speaker begins.


Live music, beer, wine, dinner and good people. We are huge fans of PIllars Brewery


Where are the next Thinktalks?

In the coming months, Thinktalks will be organised in more than 30 cities in 4 countries (Spain, United Kingdom, Mexico, Costa Rica and Germany).


Start a Thinktalk in your city!

Do you want to culturally transform your city and create a space where anyone can stop, think and enjoy? It's much easier than you think. Contact the It'stimetothink team of volunteers.  


Think Sponsor

Talk sponsor

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