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Die Bewegung des freien Denkens.

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München: Der Moment ist jetzt.

Pandemie? Krieg? Rezession? Inflation? Freie Meinungsäußerung? Ausreden raus.

It'stimetothink wurde in Zeiten der Unsicherheit mit einem Ziel ins Leben gerufen: Aus dem Trubel herauskommen, freies Denken fördern und die Suche nach WAHRHEIT wieder in Mode bringen.

Es ist Zeit zum Nachdenken Es handelt sich um eine kulturelle Bewegung, die Antworten auf große Fragen über sich selbst und sein Verhalten gegenüber der Welt sucht.


For those who think


¡Nächste ThinkTalks!

In dieser Saison werden thinkglaos in München, Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Málaga, Jerez, Bilbao, Córdoba, Saragossa, Murcia, Granada, Girona, Alicante, Valencia, Florenz und Brüssel organisiert.

  • What is IT'S TIME TO THINK?
    A cultural movement that seeks answers to big questions about oneself and how one behaves in the world. We want to give way to a movement of free thought that allows us to transform the world culturally, starting in your neighbourhood.
  • What is a Thinktalk?
    The name says it all. A Thinktalk is an event where 4 things happen: you think, you give your opinion, you drink beer (we are fans of Pillars Brewery) and you meet interesting people. There are several particularities that identify a Thinktalk: A stage with a light bulb, a round carpet and a speaker standing inches away from the audience. Let the knowledge flow. Timer: The speaker has 18 minutes to make us think, no more! As soon as the timer goes off, the debate begins. No chairs! Everyone sits on the floor, close to the speaker, who remains standing. We imagine Socrates in Ancient Greece like that. Laughter: They say that humour is the best way to connect with others. Stopping to think is essential, but once we've done that, it's time to enjoy. For a reduced price (we don't take a £) you will have dinner, wine, beer, music and very good company.
  • How was this born?
    It's Time to Think was born in March 2020, with the aim of creating digital spaces where young people could take advantage of confinement to stop and think. After the pandemic, in 2022 it moved from the screen to real life. Here a new cultural movement was born, with local communities committed to developing critical thinking in more than 30 cities. Now, we like everything offline much better than online.
  • How can I find out about upcoming Thinktalks in my city?
    Thinktalks are currently present in 5 countries and more than 30 cities. All thinkglaos will be uploaded on this website. In addition, there are cities where we have notice groups, which you can join HERE.
  • How can I help more people think?
    ITTT is a community. And as a community, it is built and continues to be built with the help of many people. If you want to organise a thinkglao in your city, be part of any of our organising teams or just help out on a one-off basis, you can write to us at this link
Fragen+ Häufig


Die It'stimetothink-Community besteht aus mehr als 50 Freiwilligen und 6.000 Mitgliedern, verteilt auf mehr als 10 Städte.

+6.000Denker Lust aufthinkglaos

+ 20Feuerzeuge Ich möchte dich zum Nachdenken anregen

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